Siti Nur Aminah , 14 years old
Maktab Tahfiz Jenjarom, Banting
Maktab Tahfiz Jenjarom, Banting
" I started consuming Memo Plus Gold in the beginning of the year 2009. By April 2009 i could recite and remember 2 1/2 verses of the Holy Koran ( Quran ) and my performance in my studies at school had improved tremendously. In my final school examination at the end of 2009, i was the top student in my class. I've also been so active in sports and other curricular activities until all my teachers knew about me. Memo Plus Gold keep me active, energised, mentally strong and focused in whatever i do and i also never feel tired to study at night after a long day of activities", says Siti Nur Aminah.
Note : By the early year of 2010 Siti Nur Aminah already finish remembering the whole Holy Koran ( Quran) and now started to repeat again.