Monday, December 19, 2011
Success with Brain Power..
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Friday, November 25, 2011
New Superb Testimonial.. UPSR 5A
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Great Dealer Come with Great Testimony
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Fall - Main Cause of Paralysis and Injury Amongst Senior Citizen
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Please do refer to below pictogram for examples of said food..
Thursday, October 6, 2011
AAMI - Have a Good Memory even when you're 60's!
Monday, September 26, 2011
Give yourself a helping hand with Memo Plus Gold. Memo Plus Gold is an all-natural herbal supplement developed scientifically from an ancient Ayurvedic formula. Memo Plus Gold contains the purified extract of Brahmi or Bacopa Monniera, a memory-enhancing herb that improves nerve impulse transmission in the brain for better memory and enhanced learning capability.
Memo Plus Gold is also a potent anti-oxidant that slows brain ageing. Brahmi has been traditionally used as an anti-anxiety, anti-fatigue and memory strengthening herb. Research shows that Brahmi has better memory enhancing effects than Gingko Biloba. The Brahmi extract is as potent an anti-oxidant as Vitamin E. We need good blood flow to and from our brain to remove waste and supply nutrients. Due to the ageing process, lipid peroxidation of fatty substances occurs, including those in brain cells. Brahmi has been found to reduce this damaging lipid.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Bacopa May Help Your Brain Cope with Stress
By Aaron W. Jensen, Ph.D.
*That’s an ad slogan, for those of you who may be pop-culture-challenged.
How do you study stress in a single cell in the laboratory?
Do you look for the little guy to wipe the sweat off his brow? Bite his lip in
concentration? Throw his hands up in despair? If only there were such telltale
signs, science would be a whole lot easier. Sadly, these clues don’t exist in
the molecular world, so scientists have had to devise other methods to study
the stress response in cells.
The classic method used to induce a stress response in cells
is to expose them to excess heat—but not too much, just a couple of degrees
does the trick—a process called heat shock. Shocking cells with heat (or other
stressors, such as cold, salt, toxins, or a variety of hormones) causes the
cells to increase their production of a specific set of proteins, inventively
called heat-shock proteins. But how does this help the cell survive stress?
Some heat-shock proteins are called chaperonins, a term that
hints at their function as molecular “chaperones.” In this role, they help
other proteins in the cell to maintain their normal structure (which is
typically very complex owing to the intricate folding of the long chain of
amino acids the protein is composed of). Heat and other stressors can cause
proteins to denature, which means that they lose their normal shape through an
unfolding of the chain. If this happens, the proteins also lose their normal
function, which is critically dependent on their shape, and they are ultimately
degraded in the cell.
Chaperonins help denatured proteins to fold back into their
normal shape and will even help to refold misshapen proteins. In so doing, they
restore functionality to the proteins, many of which are enzymes with critical
tasks to perform. Chaperonins thus help cells to survive under stressful
conditions and allow them to participate in normal metabolism, growth, and
Bacopa Activates Antistress Response
Antistress Proteins Perform Vital Functions
regions of the brain less
susceptible to stress. In effect,
it kept them in a relatively
nonstressed state even in
the presence of stress.
improves cognitive processes that
depend on environmental input
and is especially important in
learning and memory.
- Chowdhuri DK, Parmar D, Kakkar P, Shukla R, Seth PK, Srimal RC. Antistress effects of bacosides of Bacopa monnieri: modulation of Hsp70 expression, superoxide dismutase and cytochrome P450 activity in rat brain. Phytother Res 2002;16:639-45.
- Stough C, Lloyd J, Clarke J, Downey LA, Hutchison CW, Rodgers T, Nathan PJ. The chronic effects of an extract of Bacopa monniera (Brahmi) on cognitive function in healthy human subjects. Psychopharmacology 2001;156:481-4.
Taken from
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Memo Plus Gold in Metro Harian 7 July 2011
Interested to know more call 03-6275 2020 or e-mail us at
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Health Benefits of Coconut Water
Monday, May 23, 2011
Memo Plus Gold Treats ADHD

You can help your child by giving them Memo Plus Gold everyday and support them by teaching your child at least 10 minutes everyday. Your support and teaching will accelerate their learning process and helps them to maintain self disciplin.
Friday, April 22, 2011
Memo Plus Gold, DepEd, PBN strengthen education - News From Philipines

THE country’s trusted herbal dietary supplement for memory enhancement – Memo Plus Gold, had just recently partnered with the Department of Education and PBN Broadcast Network to launch Memo Plus Gold IQ Challenge.
The competition, open only to high school students in the Bicol Region, started last
Memo Plus Gold IQ Challenge is the result of Davenben’s (exclusive distributor of MPG) effort in helping the Department of Education strengthen the quality of education in Bicol. As stated by the company’s president, Mr. Leonard Benesa: “By having a competition like this, students learn the value of studying hard. They also learn the value of teamwork and confidence in themselves and others. The students who represent their schools are also big inspirations to their peers who would like to participate in the future. Memo Plus Gold is proud to help DepEp keep the youth in school and in studying harder.”
Contract signing was held last October 23 at LCC Mall in
Memo Plus Gold is formulated from the extracts of Bacopa monniera (also known as Brahmi) and has been traditionally used in the ancient “Ayuverdic” medical system to enhance memory, improve concentration and learning, and promote good health for thousands of years. Bacopa monniera works best as a single herb, and best in take in capsule form.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Food for Arthritis

Patient with arthritis should not be taking food that contains high protein because the excess will be turned into uric acid which will cause more pain and damage. In normal circumstances uric acid will be terminated from your body through urination but some of it also will accumulate through the years and arthritis or gout will be born.
Did you know even Milk have to be chosen wisely?
Stay with nature as close as you can and that means do not lose the true nature of the food. Basically many types of Milk is in the market which often being commercialize and exaggerated of its benefit. I, myself always take Full Cream Milk because it is as close as you can get to the fresh milk taken from a cow. Think rationally and be Sherlock for a moment here. We do know not all fats are bad and I never seen anyone drink Full Cream Milk become fat. You also have to think how many process do the milk need to go and what things will be added and extracted when those milk will eventually label as LOW FAT, contains DHA or more calcium for Bones. Throughout all these unnecessary process the milk will lose its benefit and freshness.
Don’t we all learn at school that milk, just milk ( no mentioning on whether it’s Low Fat or ect) is good for our health and body ?
So stay close to mother nature and you’ll be rewarded with health for the whole family and in much more cheaper way too.
STAY AWAY from processed food!!
Don’t get me wrong. It doesn’t mean you have to stay away from tinned food ( like Ikan Sardin which is so popular in Malaysia) only, even regular kitchen products such as rice, sugar, flour, salt and so on. A lot of Chinese people in Malaysia have this awareness and you can see them eating brown rice and using brown sugar which is the true nature color of the said products. Only after processed that the products becoming white which is naturally the color we like and we trust ( wink wink ). Not only processed food but we also have to be extra careful to the vegetables nowadays. A lot of pesticides being used by farmers to get beautiful veggies and it will cause damage to us as well. Sometimes, I think it’s better not to take veggies if you cannot afford to buy the organic one. For what you eat if it’s only added to the accumulation of toxic in your body.
For arthritis patients it is important that they stay away from nuts and seafood. It can make their conditions worsen and painful. They also need to stay away from veggies such as Tomato, Eggplant and lots of cold types veggies. Some patients can take some of the food listed above without problems. The most important thing is experiment yourself with those foods. It will give you better view of what you can and cannot eat.
P/s : All of the above has been written from my own opinion and through a lot of readings..
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Eaziflex - Fight for Your Freedom!!
Pain in the joints is the most common symptom of Arthritis. Arthritic pain can be so excruciating that it can rob a person of his mobility. Basic movements, like getting out of bed, becomes a dreaded exercise in pain.
Arthritis literally means the inflammation of a joint caused by the destruction of the articular cartilage on the ends of the bones as they meet in the joint. It is usually diagnosed through symptoms such as swelling, tenderness, redness, aches and pains around the joint area.
A silent , permanently crippling disease
Arthritis ranks second as the most prevalent chronic disease after heart disease. It usually occurs among older people but Arthritis can affect younger ones too. Alarming statistics estimate that 60 percent of the population will have some form of Arthritis by the age of 60. This disease is also three times more common in women than in men.
There are basically three type of Arthritis - Osteoarthritis, Traumatic Arthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis. From these three, there are over 200 variations of Arthritis ranging from Rheumatism, Osteoporosis, Psoriatic Arthritis, Gout, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis. Arthritis is a progressive disease and if left untreated, could lead to permanent disability.
Is it possible to be pain-free?
Modern medical sciences have yet to find a cure for Arthritis. Patients suffering from Arthritis will have to seek medical attention and endure excruciating pain for the rest of their lives.
Current medical treatment are aimed at relieving pain, increasing mobility, reducing inflammation and stopping or slowing down joint damage. Medication such as Aspirin and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), is used to reduce pain and inflammation but these drugs are often associated with serious side effects, for instance. gastrointestinal bleeding, ulcers and abdominal pain.
Fortunately, the ancient Ayurvedic medical system has proven effective in the treatment of Arthritis, Ayurveda is a system of self -care, containing techniques for determining the unique constitutional balance of a person . Ayurveda has been practiced for thousands of years and its traditional formulations have been
Eaziflex - an effective Ayurvedic treatment
Each capsule of contains:
- Salai guggul (200mg), the resin from the Boswellia Serrata tree, also known as Dhup. Ayurvedic physicians and tribal communities have used it for centuries to treat rheumatism, related ailments and nervous diseases. Salai Guggul works by improving blood supply to joints as well as restoring the integrity of damaged vessels. It has demonstrated remarkable effectiveness in several acute and chronic experimental clinical test models of inflammation. It is free from gastric ulcerogenic effects, side effects on the central nervous system and the cardiovascular system.
- Piper Longum (50gm) which improves the bio-availability of Salai Guggul and is traditionally used to treat rheumatism, gout and lumbago.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
We Cannot Be Healthy without a Sharp Mind!!
BACOSIDE B is the FOOD for the BRAIN
2) Repairs our damaged Brain cells
3) Increase Memory ability
4) Decreases Forgetfulness
5) Prevents Mental Illnesses
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
What Is Memo Plus Gold ??

2) A natural memory enhancer and brain tonic
3) A powerful Antioxidant
4) An ant i- depressant and anti - stress agent
The Brahmi herb has gained worldwide recognition as a memory booster in improving brain cell functions for promoting mind alertness and is widely regarded as a powerful anti oxidant.
A herbal plant consumed for thousands of years for memory enhancement. Contains :-
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Monday, February 28, 2011
University Students' Top Grade with Memo Plus Gold
I've been taking memo Plus Gold continuously since my secondary school days. At first, my mom told me that the capsules she gave me will lessen my sleepiness in class. This was due to the fact that my teachers complained regarding my habit of dozing off in class from time to time and also the fact that i got problem on staying focus in class. Moreover i rather disturb my friends than listening to teacher when i'm not sleeping.
Thank to god, after taking Memo Plus Gold i am more alert in class and my result getting better and better. Through out my secondary school i manage to get 1st place or 2nd place in each examination i attended.
Now i'm already studying in one of the Major University in Malaysia, Universiti Utara Malaysia ( UUM, Kedah) and i'm already in third semester and still taking memo Plus Gold without fail. I am proud to say that i also earn 3 Dean's List certificates because i manage to get excellent result in examinations.
Memo Plus Gold not only heighten my concentration in class but it also kick out my sleepiness and boredom even with 6 hours worth lecturing. Besides that, sometimes my class will start as early as 8 in the morning and finish as late as 11 at night. Some more tomorrow i have to wake up early for Solat ( prayer) and to do preparation before i go for new class. Memo Plus Gold give me energy to withstand all that and more for my life as as University Student. Thanks to Memo Plus Gold my road to success become much easier.
Monday, January 3, 2011
Price Increased !!

For 14 years we absorbed all the cost incurred ranging from price of raw material as well as transportation charges. And after a very hard decision we decided to increase Memo Plus Gold's price to RM59.90 only. The slight increase will help us to continue our intention in helping the children of Malaysia to achieve not only flying colors in academic but also great success in co curriculum as well.
We hope parents , students, teachers and all Malaysian will continues to support us in our mission to make successful students and healthy Malaysian.